From Various Sources
Each day comes bearing its gifts. Untie the ribbons. -Ann Ruth Schabader
A Native American Way to Begin the Day(Stand on Mother Earth. Face any direction you choose. Take one step forward, as you look about, up and down:)O Great, Holy Spirit, I take this step into the day you have given. I embrace all I see — the season, the wind, the fragrances, the weather. Let me always accept the day given with a grateful heart. Read more...
"How, dear sir, did you cross the flood?""By not halting friend, and by not straining I crossed the flood.""But how is it, dear sir, that by not halting and by not straining you crossed the flood?""When I came to a standstill, friend, then I sank; but when I struggled, then I got swept away. It is in this way, friend, that by not halting and by not straining I crossed the flood."-Buddha, "The Connected Discourses of the Buddha"
Copyright Wisdom Publications 2001. Reprinted from "Daily Wisdom: 365 Buddhist Inspirations" with permission of Wisdom Publications, 199 Elm St., Somerville MA 02144 U.S.A, www.wisdompubs.org.
One step at a time is progress.
Have you ever been asked if your glass is half empty or half full? Chances are someone - either a friend or a colleague has asked youthat question at some point. Your answer is important - because how you see life - or how you perceive things ultimately shapes your reality, your circumstances and your life. Perception is a very powerful tool; it can help you achieve your goals and catapult you to success - if you work with it and use perception to help you. Unfortunately most people don't use the power of perception or they use it to create the life that they don't want. In today's newsletter I'll show you how you can work with the power of perception; how you can change your perception to suit your needs. I'll show you how you can work with the Power of Perception to ultimately create the life you want - a life filled with success, happiness and more. http://www.creatingpower.com/news.htm
today's help is more spiritual, from a blend of various sources...i believe i will eventually coalesce this with the other blog and perhaps restrict this one to more psychological based postings...
always my struggle is separating mind/bony; spirit/soul; emotion/intellect
they are so intertwined...our EI is as important, perhaps moreso than our IQ...think of all the extremely intelligent intellectuals who are isolated in thier own genuis...of all the artists who are so devoted to their craft they become hermit-like...i know this well, when i get into a "groove" i really don't want much to do with others... yet our connection to others is what makes us...we do not live in a vacuum...
balance is the key and to find the right one for you...
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