
Monday, February 27, 2006

Fight the downslide!

Think, Act, Do, Believe!

Drink plenty of fresh water
Cut back on caffeine (nicotine and other drugs, including alcohol)
Check out the Depression Relief Diet
Exercise (even just walking and doing the stairs vs. taking the escalator)
Surround yourself with happy, positive, motivating, energetic, healthy people
Listen to uplifting music
Dance! Move!
Stand up for yourself

Think positively
Be flexible, keep room in your schedule for those detours which can be life changing

Spend time in the sunlight
Create, fill your soul
Get involved in groups and activities that are complementary to you, your tastes, interests and talents
Build a support network
Find professional counseling through local psych referral services

Recognize your worth
Get spiritual (does not mean dogmatic religious following) and find your own true mission, calling, purpose here….we all have a unique one
Keep it real but leave room for the imagination and for unimagined yet possibilities

self-deprecate ( DO say life affirming and self-complementary self-talk)
take what others say and do personally, mostly it has nothing to do with you
assume anything
be fatalistic or use all or nothing statements …see the grey areas
hang around people who put you down or don’t inspire youDon’t allow anyone to rain on your parade, walk on your cloud, prick your balloon or in any other way get on your case, tell them to Blow!

Emotional Well-BeingMark Twain once said: "Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to." Embarrassment is a powerful emotion from which no person in any culture is immune. Read more…

I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it. -Harry Emerson Fosdick
