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How to Burn Relationship ContractsAdapted from Your Aura and Your Chakras, by Karla McLaren (Weiser Books, 1998).
Simple Solution
Through conscious and unconscious agreement, many relationships evolve (or decay) in precisely delineated, contractual patterns. In these cases, it is very likely that you have entered into a psychic contract with this relationship--a contract that needs to be examined, renegotiated, or destroyed.
Learn how to burn such relationship contracts, here:
To burn a relationship contract, first get grounded. Now, create a large piece of sturdy parchment paper in front of you and inside your aura. This parchment originates inside your aura to remind you that your reviews of people and your side of any contract belong to you, not them.
Choose a warm soothing color for this parchment. Bright or strong colors can be too reflective, and you’ll want this paper to accept all your energy and projections, without reflecting anything back onto you.
With the paper in front of you, allow yourself to think of your contract partner. Let your thoughts be transmitted to the parchment. You can write your partner’s name on the parchment, or you can write the name of the relationship. You can project your contract partner’s image onto the paper, or transmit a video of their movements, actions, and behaviors. If your first parchment becomes crowded with images, move it gently aside, and create a fresh parchment, so you can continue to release the relationship. Some relationship contracts will require many parchment pages before you are through with them.
As you continue to work, your own image will begin to emerge alongside the image of your contract partner. You will be able to see your conflicts, your body postures, your own attitudes, and your responses to your partner. Place those images and attitudes on the parchment as well. They signify your involvement in the contract, your payoffs, and your reasons for agreeing to the contract in the first place.
When you feel a shift (it might be a feeling of release and relaxation), roll up the parchment, with the content on the inside. Tie it closed with a piece of golden rope. Toss them 3-5 feet outside your aura. Gather them together and then burn them up.
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Your Aura and your Chakras
Copyright: Adapted from Your Aura and Your Chakras, by Karla McLaren (Weiser Books, 1998). Copyright (c) 1998 by Karla McLaren. Reprinted by permission of Weiser Books.
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