
Monday, April 24, 2006

posted from http://www.bridgettwalther.com/

In the midst of life, which is busy and terribly chaotic – comes a very feared moment. You never know when it comes, or even why, but it always happens. The noise and the stress of life pause for a moment, and you cross paths with the abominable mirror of “the self.” In other words, it is the blossoming of the mid-life crisis. Some of us look into the mirror to find self-contentment, and don’t see any.
Many of us feel that we have lost track in life, forgotten what’s important and above all else, let our own dreams deteriorate and die. This can lead to a feeling of unexplainable loneliness, confusion and even guilt. What is my purpose? What am I here to learn? Why do I feel all my choices have been the wrong ones?
It may be interesting to know, that Astrology can offer insight into this. Astrology can give us accurate descriptions of our personalities, personal histories and compatibility with other people – but did you ever stop to think that Astrology could go even deeper, and delve into the purposes of your life? We know that we have a rising sign, a moon sign, a sun sign and so on. What’s interesting is that, with special reflection, this can help someone realize what exactly they should try to accomplish in this lifetime, and in what areas of life they may find happiness and fulfillment.
This new branch of Astrology, which is called Evolutionary Astrology, is solely concerned (no pun intended) with the evolution of the soul. An Evolutionary Astrologer will look at your astrological chart, and be able to see your personality – but, what this Astrology offers is an answer to why you may think and feel this way.
Evolutionary Astrology was pioneered by world-renowned astrologer/author Jeffery Wolfe Green, and now has numerous schools and academies all over the world.
Evolutionary Astrology is officially defined by the following seven principles:
1. An acceptance of the fact that human beings incarnate in a succession of lifetimes.
2. An acceptance of the fact that the birth chart reflects the evolutionary condition of the soul at the moment of incarnation.
3. An acceptance of the fact that the birth chart reflects the evolutionary intentions of the soul for the present life.
4. An acceptance of the fact that the circumstances of the present life, both materially and psychologically, do not arise randomly, but rather reflect the evolutionary intentions and necessities of the soul.
5. An acceptance of the fact that human beings interact creatively and unpredictably with their birth charts; that all astrological symbols are multi-dimensional and are modulated into material and psychic expression by the consciousness of the individual.
6. An acceptance of the fact that human beings are responsible for the realities they experience, both internally and externally.
7. A respectful intention to accept and support a person seeking astrological help, no matter the evolutionary state in which such an individual finds himself or herself.
Evolutionary Astrology is mainly focused on the planet Pluto. While still representing the nature of destruction/regernation/power/transformation, Pluto is the direct representation of the soul, and it’s location in the evolutionary process. This is only the tip of the iceberg. We must take into account the location in the chart, and exact degree of which sign Pluto is in, and then look to all aspects of Pluto with the other planets to give a precise and detailed chart interpretation.
The archetypes of the Zodiac (Aries to Pisces) stay relatively the same as Western Astrology, but are interpreted in a paradigm of healing the insecurities that come with the archetype. This is especially true of our Rising sign and Chironic sign. The other huge contributors to the Evolutionary birth chart are the Nodal Axis, the 12th House, representing the Womb of God (or whatever higher force you may call it), and Neptune.
Through studying Evolutionary Astrology we may find out our own hidden truths – which are sometimes not so pretty. However, like everything: with the good comes the bad. Evolutionary Astrology empowers with knowledge, so that we may see clearly and begin to take steps towards change and fulfillment.
When lost upon the path of life, look to the skies. Our astrological charts give us more insight than we could ever imagine. We thank you for reading our introduction, and taking the time to learn something new.
Many Blessings ~ GEMINI

Note: “Gemini” is composed of two Gemini-influenced Evolutionary Astrologers, Jasmin Schade and Ashley Vosper. For more information, contact Jasmin at jasmin_schade@hotmail.com

Thursday, April 20, 2006

It happens to all of us -- you meet with a setback or fail at something, and you're tempted to give up. Here's a surefire way to help you through it: it's all in how you look at it. To give an example, what would you think about the following person:

He failed in business at age 31, was defeated for the legislature at 32, failed again in business at 34.

His sweetheart died when he was 35, and he had a nervous breakdown at age 36.

He was defeated in election at age 38, and then was defeated for Congress at 43 and again at 46 and 48.

He was defeated for the Senate at age 55 and for Vice President at 56, and for the Senate again at 58.

He was elected President of the United States at age 60.

Who was this man? It was Abraham Lincoln – who was certainly a success, not a failure. Put into perspective, failing in something is just another opportunity for learning and growth, for finding out what works and what doesn't. Looked at positively, Katherine, you'd never learn if you didn't fail. Or to put it even more strongly, you can't succeed unless you have failed before. As Thomas Edison said of his many attempts to invent the electric light, "I have not failed. I've found 10,000 ways that won't work."

Probably nobody knows this better than sports celebrities. Their abilities and reputations are put on the line in every game they play. Basketball great Michael Jordan has said, "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."

So, that is why it's so important to never be afraid to fail. It's a necessary step to success – and a blessing in disguise.

Until next week, Rochelle Gordon
Psychic Astrologer Authour
167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford, CT 06460-3400

Be not afraid of growing slowly, be only afraid of standing still - Italian Proverb

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

April 18, 2006
Allowing The Uncontrollable
Scorpio Daily Horoscope from Daily Om
although this is sun-sign reading the advice is wonderful for all of us

Worries about your ability to meet your many obligations could weigh heavily on your mind today. Finances, business affairs, and other responsibilities could be causing you stress. It can be difficult to accept that some circumstances may be outside your control. Consider, however, that the time you spend worrying could be better used to monitor or change your circumstances. It might also serve you to stop thinking about any situations that you have no control over and allow for them to unfold naturally. Taking a break today and engaging in an activity you enjoy may also help you release some of your anxiety. Understanding that there are many circumstances beyond your control can ease your anxiety and allow you to concentrate wholeheartedly on what you can control. Though it is important to be proactive, there are some situations in life that you have to just allow to play out. Focusing on what you have influence over and not mulling over what you cannot control can help you avoid expending unnecessary energy. You can then use the time you would have spent worrying to create change in the areas of life where you can. You’ll also feel less stressed and have energy left to nurture yourself. When you accept today that there is much in life that is beyond your control, you can relax and surrender

Monday, April 17, 2006

from AstroAbbey http://www.bridgettwalther.com/
You may not need a TV makeover show to convince you to clean out the clothes lurking in the back of your closet, but how often do you consider cleaning out your relationship closet? I’d bet a tie-dyed T-shirt and pair of espadrilles – or are those back in style? - that you’re hanging onto more toxic friendships and draining business associates than you are fat jeans.
When I lost the twenty-five pounds I’d been lugging around for a decade, courtesy of juggling a stress-filled corporate career with a couple of kids, a “friend” pointedly suggested that I not give my old clothes away since I would probably put the weight back on. If Richard Simmons had backed a semi-truck up to my bedroom door and offered to personally help me shovel out my closet with a forklift, I couldn’t have sprung into action any more quickly.
I promptly dumped all my fat clothes into a Hefty bag for donation to a homeless shelter and seriously considered dumping my “friendship” as well. Instead, I told my friend she’d hurt my feelings and that I wanted her support. Her response? That she’d do whatever she could, including joining me on my beach-path jogs, to help me stay in shape.
I don’t advocate tossing people because they say things you don’t want to hear. But I do advocate taking inventory of your relationships to see if you’re getting what you want from your connections or just hanging on because you don’t know how to let go. If a valued relationship veers off-track, see if it can be rehabilitated through honest disclosure and open discussion, like mine was. But if you suspect that your affiliations with friends or colleagues may be terminally toxic, ask yourself these questions:
1. Do you do most of the giving in this relationship and get very little in return?
2. Does this person deplete your energy and drain your spirit?
3. Would you be relieved if he or she suddenly decided to relocate to some remote region of the planet without phone reception or Internet access?
If you answered “yes” to two or more questions, it may be time to gracefully extricate yourself from these troublesome types, or at least minimize the time and energy you spend on them. It might sound harsh, but if your calendar is too booked up for quality time with close friends, important business connections – and most of all, family – you need to make some hard decisions about who really matters.
Once you’ve separated the keepers from the non-keepers, you still have to determine if you’re spreading yourself too thin. If you’re time-starved – and who isn’t? –set some new limits for the relationships you want to keep. Make yourself less available for lengthy phone calls, lunch dates or social events. Tell everyone you’re in a time crunch and that, while they may see less of you for a bit, you hope to resurface soon.
For the non-keepers, be polite but firm in consistently letting them know that you are too focused on family, job or skydiving lessons to spend time with them in the foreseeable future. You don’t need to tell them you don’t value the relationship, there’s no point in being unnecessarily cruel. Most people will get the hint after a declined invitation or two but, if not, just keep sticking to your story.
It can be a little trickier distancing yourself from a business associate, especially if it’s someone you see at work every day. If the toxic colleague is a superior or your boss, you might even want to think about finding a new job. If it’s a problem peer, keep your interactions friendly, professional and brief. No chit-chat in the coffee room, no lingering outside the cubicle. Your reason? Too much work, of course.
Finally, don’t forget that you are fair game for your friends’ and colleagues’ closet-cleaning, so bring the best you can to all your relationships. Libby Gill is a personal coach, lecturer and author of “Traveling Hopefully.” Libby welcomes comments and questions at AskLibby@LibbyGill.com.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The SOULMATE ORACLE is a deck of special cards that offers you love and relationship guidance. Blending ancient wisdom with modern psychology, the cards are a passport to practical magic and a quality love life.

Author of "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus"
Welcome to the SOULMATE ORACLE ...

This deck of cards is a powerful tool that can expand your joy and happiness in relating. Consult the cards as an individual or together with a partner.
These cards can apply to all of your relationships: friends, relatives, children, parents and, of course, your romantic partner.

When you use the cards alone, they help you clarify what's going on in a relationship, letting you see beneath the surface. The cards present new ways to view and deal with any situation. They help you discover new options that make a positive difference in how you relate.

If you use the cards with a partner, you can improve communication, move through specific issues or problems, explore dreams and reawaken the vitality of your connection. The cards can help shift you out of old patterns that block you from moving forward to all the joy and happiness you can experience together.

All of us can fall prey to habit, start to take things for granted or act in ways we don't really intend to. Routine often robs us of our spontaneity. Occasionally we get bogged down with problems. These cards were designed to be little "wake-up calls" to help you keep things clear, reawaken flexibility and positive options.

You may have noticed the coincidence that I, John Gray, am introducing a work by another John Grey. Yes, there are two of us in the world! In fact, the coincidence does not stop there. My wife Bonnie and I are good friends with John and his wife Bonney, who co-created this deck. We both teach about love and relationships.

Happily, it is not the coincidence of our names which led me to write this. I heartily endorse these cards as a practical and effective tool for couples, or anyone else, to use for improving their relationships.

The rewards from using these cards are often pleasantly surprising. I encourage you to use them not only when you are facing problems, but any time you want to bring more magic and heart alive.

John Gray, Ph.D. Author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

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